Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Affirmative Action: The Price of Preference by Shelby Steele

The author of this essay assumes that affirmative action programs should support equality of opportunity, not quotas. Steele finds that racial quotas do more harm than good to the black community. He argues, reinforce discrimination. In fact, he claims that constitutional, not racial, rights should be enforced. I think that the Steele’s argument could be classified as a form of libertarianism. In general, this author presents a personality of discrimination towards the Affirmative Action. I found that very incorrectly, because, the Affirmative Action is a program for discriminatory practices that have in the past denied fair consideration to remembers of minority group. In fact, this program is used to offer equality of rights as white as blacks, it’s for all. This author is a little confused about it, because she/he states in some part of the essay that affirmative action has good intentions…

In my opinion this kind of program is the best program that this country has created to the good of people, to prevent fights or wars inside this same country. I think all of us are human and since the time of born we get our human rights, till die.

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