Monday, July 27, 2009

"College Pressures" by William Zinsser

The author in this essay tries to show to the readers the most important pressures, which college students suffer from it. In other words, this author found the explanation of why the students complain about the college life. He did it classifying those pressures as economic pressures, parental pressures, peer pressures, and self induced pressures. I’m in totally agreeing with the author. Just by the simple fact, that all of these pressures affects negatively at the students. Nevertheless, there are many more than those.

There are many others pressures that college students face as the Transportation problem. Many of them have jobs and their own cars which can use to more from the house to the college, but some students do not work just to have more time to study, these students have more problems to move from one place to the college. The amount of many projects and tests at the same time from different classes are other pressure for students. Many professors do not understand that many students have part-time jobs for their needs and etc; and most professors put a lot of works and test at the same time and some students get frustration for that. There are many others pressures that college students face day to day. The only way to get a solution for this is that the government does more plans of benefits to improve the education, and organize a meeting of professors to understand the student status and to organize a better plan of study with less works at the same time but stronger content.

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