Tuesday, July 28, 2009

“Growing Up Old” by Richard Rodriguez

The author in this essay talks about the lives of adolescents in L.A. He makes statements regarding the daily activities which these adolescents doing. He generalizes his essay writing about adolescents living in L.A. In fact, he made a general point about the youth of today. In his essay, I noticed he supports that children now in days are growing up to fast than before. Good, I’m in agreeing with that, because children now think their old enough to do whatever they want and it is not like that. Everything comes with the time. Also, I noticed that he supports that the behavior of the adolescents is obtained and reflected by the influence of T.V. on these kids. I personally, am disagreeing with that statement, because in my opinion adolescents get their behavior by who they are living, or simply by who they are in contact everyday of their live; as for example, friends, girlfriends or boyfriends, or their own family. In addition, they also could get their behavior by what lifestyle they are involved.

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